If you're a fitness enthusiast, you enjoy feeling "the burn" during a solid workout. Have you ever focused on that strength training, resistance exercises or endurance workouts would make your muscle painful?
Of course, taking care of your body in between exercise sessions is crucial to a successful fitness routine. This means ensuring your muscles recover fully between workouts. Even if you haven't overdone it, your muscle tissue needs time to repair and strengthen after exercise. Proper nutrition and hydration can go a long way toward this end, but is there more you can do to help tired muscles recover?
Muscle soreness after a workout is among the most common complaints people experience in any fitness routine. Some may even postpone their next workout due to soreness. That can set you back when it comes to meeting your fitness goals. It makes good sense to do everything you can to help your muscles recover quickly after each session, so you can keep your exercise routine and meet your goals.

Compression Socks for Post-Workout Recovery
Many people believe compression therapy is only helpful for injured muscles. In fact, at some point, you may have had a doctor or trainer send you home to rest and elevate a sprain, strain or other injuries with instructions to wrap it snugly with an elastic bandage. It may surprise you to learn that sore, uninjured muscles can benefit from compression as well.
With compression socks, you can help tired, sore muscles recover more quickly after any workout. Due to gravity, muscles in your feet and legs are often likely to suffer swelling and poor circulation after exercise. While many people may think that pain causes swelling, it's actually the other way around.
Swelling causes pain. Reduce pain by decreasing swelling.
Habitual use of compression socks for recovery after a workout has been shown to reduce swelling, improve circulation and reduce muscle soreness in the feet and legs. This can be key to keeping your fitness routine on schedule.
Compression Socks Aid Healing of Minor Muscle Tears
Building muscle tissue actually involves tearing it--slightly. As your body rebuilds the microscopic tears, the muscle becomes denser and stronger. You can hasten this process by improving blood circulation. The improved circulation promoted by compression socks will aid your body's natural muscle building processes.
When muscle tissue tears on a larger scale, you end up with an injury, such as a strain or sprain. This type of injury responds well to compression therapy, as do bruises. In most cases, compression socks can be a valuable addition to your treatment program. They work particularly well in combination with analgesics to reduce swelling and promote healing.
Whether your muscles are sore and weak or merely tired after a workout, compression socks can help you recover quickly. They're also handy to have in case of minor injuries. In either case, wearing compression socks after a workout should become part of your fitness routine.